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Film Developing

Film Developing & Processing

We're thrilled to see our clients discover (or rediscover) the excitement, anticipation and joy of analog photography! We've had decades of experience processing film - in fact, it's how we got our start.

When it comes time to view your prized shots - we're here to professionally develop the images and provide output in a variety of ways.

  • Professionally processed negative or slide
  • Archival photographic prints
  • High-resolution digital files
  • CD, DVD or USB media
Film prints

Film Development

Yes, we still develop film!

See our pricing.

35mm Color Film Processing 24 Exposure 36 Exposure
Develop Only* $7.00 $7.00
Develop & Print $15.00 $18.00
Develop & Scan Medium Resolution * $18.00 $18.00
Develop & Scan High Resolution * $25.00 $25.00
Develop, Scan & Print $23.00 $26.00

Medium Resolution - 2048x3090

High Resolution - 4011x6048
* Digital Images are uploaded to Photo Finale with and Email link

Black & White Film Processing 24 Exp - 35mm 36 Exp - 35mm 120
Dev Only $8.00 $8.00 $9.00
Develop & Scan Medium Resolution * $18.00 $18.00 $21.00
Develop, Medium Scan & Print $25.00 $28.00 $25.00

* Digital Images are uploaded to Photo Finale with and Email link

Medium Resolution Scans

35mm (2048x3090)

6X4.5 (1920x2640)

6x6 (2640x2640)

6x7 (2640x3120)

6x9 (2700x3900)

High Resolution Scans

35mm (4011x6048)

6X4.5 (2840x5280)

6x6 (5280x5280)

6x7 (5280x6240)

6x9 (5400x7800)

120/220 Color Film Processing 120
Develop Only $9.00
Develop & Medium Resolution Scan $18.00
Develop & Medium Resolution Scan & Print $24.00

Medium Resolution - 2048x2048
* Digital Images are uploaded to Photo Finale with and Email link

E6 Film Processing Price
35mm - 36 Exposures (Unmounted) $17.00
120 Unmounted $17.00
Develop & Medium Scan * $26.00
E6 Push/Pul $7.00

* Digital Images are uploaded to Photo Finale with and Email link

Reprints From: 35mm 120mm
3x5 or 4x6 $1.39 $4.39
5x7 $3.49 $6.49
8x10 $5.99 $8.99

Online Ordering

Our online ordering include the best, quickest, easiest path to fabulous print products from your images. From your web browser.

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